Two Reasons to Circle this Date and Get Started

Two Reasons to Circle this Date and Get Started

Recently, I have shared that there are 86 days in the year that are optimum times to start something new. In other words, if you missed out on a solid New Year’s resolution, you could still make good up to 85 more times this year.

Why do I mention this?

Because next week is March 1 and March 1 is on a Monday. It is a Double Bonus start day!

Did you know that you are more likely to start something on the 1st of the month than any other day of the month? And you are more likely to start something on Monday rather than any other day of the week.

This is a concept I learned from Daniel Pink, author of the book “When”

Out of necessity, I have become a productivity geek. Gaining an understanding of When has helped me schedule the best time to focus on things that I start. 

Next week I will focus on the next six weeks of my calendar. Highlight key dates and develop a timeline for events that require preparation. It’s a rhythm. If you are interested in what that looks like, hit me up. My email is I would love to track with you.

One of our goals at Horizon Youth Ministry is to help you navigate those rhythms. If you would like to track with us, you can join our Facebook Group where we deliver more of our content.