What To Expect At Camp...

BIBLE STUDY: Each morning, students gather with their small group and discuss different topics that have to do with the theme of camp. Bible studies are written by the Horizon team and include activities, scripture, and questions to discuss with peers and leaders.
CELEBRATION: Filled with music, videos, and games, this is a time when we highlight youth ministers and students. We program Celebration around a daily theme and max it out with tons of energy. You never know what to expect!
REC: Each day, teams go head to head in different games. At the end of the week, one group from each division will be named the Intramural Champions and win the traditional Intramural Champion shirt.
WORSHIP: All of camp gathers in the evening for a time of worship. This is led by the camp band and speaker.
BLOCK PARTY: To close out the day, we finish with a themed Block Party. Students come ready for a giant dance party dressed in costumes that fit the daily theme. We encourage students to have fun and be creative! During Celebration the next day, we give shout outs to students with the best outfits, costumes, and spirit.