"Is It Time To Cancel Camp?"

This time last year we never dreamed that we would ever ask that question. However, after 7 months of living through a world-wide pandemic, maybe we have learned something. 

When our world seemed to “shut down” in March earlier this year, we tried to hold on to our hopes of having camp for quite some time. But, as the spread of COVID continued, we officially made the decision to cancel our summer camps in the first few days of June. 

Though the decision to cancel camp was very difficult, here are some thoughts on what we have learned. 

  1. You still have a student ministry. Your ministry looks more different now than it ever has before. BUT, the purpose of a ministry to students has not changed.

  2. You have the ability to change. Remember this is often one of our favorite accusations of the church. Watch out. Life works this way sometimes. The good news is that there is more to come so get ready.

  3. You can be creative. Or at least more creative than you thought you could. We’ve talked about this before. Student ministers have the most difficult jobs because they are always asking “What’s Next?” While these stretch exercises are not what we want, they sure are helpful in the long run. Your creativity now might lead to a lasting addition to your ministry.

  4. Student ministry happens for 52 weeks out of the year. Camp is a great week, but if it doesn’t fit the other 51 weeks in your philosophy, then taking a week off this year might be just what you needed.

The heart of our philosophy at Horizon Camp is “life happens after camp.” Our camp is organized and operated to help you win in the other 51 weeks of the year as a student minister. 

Have you started thinking about camp next year? If you are looking for a camp option, check out Horizon Camps and join our 2021 Camp Priority List